Tim and Tamara's Weblog

If you're reading this, you must be REALLY bored.

Monday, November 29, 2004

The Wedding Summit

Last Saturday Tamara's parents and sisters came over to my parent's house so that everyone could meet for the first time.

No one died. It was definitely a success.

We also actually got a lot of wedding planning done! The menu is set, the invitations have been designed (pending final approval), and the program for the ceremony has been scrutinized.

It's starting to look like we may actually pull this off. ;P


Monday, November 22, 2004

Happy birthday to me!

Plans for both the wedding and the Physics Van reunion are moving along surprisingly smoothly.

For the wedding, we put down the deposit for the reception hall and opened a joint checking account (a big step in any relationship) to pay for wedding stuff from. We'll be meeting with both sets of parents next weekend to really start planning details...or more likely, planning when to plan to plan the details...

For the reunion, Matthew Wenger has volunteered to start a blitz style campaign to make sure everyone is going to come. You'll know it's gotten out of hand when you see our ad during the superbowl! (yes, of course I'm kidding)

It's great to be on break, but there's this nagging feeling that there's something I'm supposed to be doing...


Tuesday, November 09, 2004

The Long Road to Recovery

Wow what a weekend! My parents and uncle came down for a whirlwind three days. Dinner at a propective at the Silvercreek (which we may end up using for the rehersal dinner), a hockey game, two plays (including Daniel's of course), and installing our new water heater and builiding a shed for our backyard. Luckily, my injured foot got me out of most of that! Seriously though, it's getting better. I can now walk around the house fairly well, but still need the crutches to go to class.

The Physics Van is going to have a reunion of volunteers in the spring and I've finally got the website for it up here. This should be a blast if we can get a decent number of volunteers to come back! Everyone here is really excited about it!


Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Hit and Run and other news

So on my way from school yesterday, I suffered an inelastic collision between my bike and a car. It didn't hit all that hard, but it was enough to knock me off my bike in the middle of Vine St. The driver paused briefly to ask if I was ok, but I was too busy trying to drag myself from the road to make much of a response beyond briefly swearing at her. I guess she figured that since I was able to walk (with the help of my bike) that it was all right for her to drive off. Luckily the fire chief's secretary saw me on her way out to lunch and she got the paramedics for me, it only happened about 50ft from the fire station. The xrays showed that nothing was broken and I really just ended up with swollen ankle, but it was a pain in the ass to say the least. It was really fun riding the bus home after getting crutches at the student medical center, what a day for all my friends to actually be in class!

In other news, Tamara and I have put down the deposit on the church and met with the pastor. The date is now officially set for Saturday, March 19th 2005!! I was finally able to call a couple of reception halls today, our first choice was already booked, but we have appointments to look at two others. Check for all the latest wedding updates at www.timandtamarswedding.info.

Parent's are coming down this weekend to help us put up a storage shed and replace our 'past design life' water heater with a new one that my Uncle is brining, should be quite an adventure, especially on this ankle. Also, Dan's big play opens this weekend, go see it:

"TIME" a drama by Dan McArdle
8pm Saturday, 3pm Sunday
$3 at the door
