Tim and Tamara's Weblog

If you're reading this, you must be REALLY bored.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Happy birthday to me!

Plans for both the wedding and the Physics Van reunion are moving along surprisingly smoothly.

For the wedding, we put down the deposit for the reception hall and opened a joint checking account (a big step in any relationship) to pay for wedding stuff from. We'll be meeting with both sets of parents next weekend to really start planning details...or more likely, planning when to plan to plan the details...

For the reunion, Matthew Wenger has volunteered to start a blitz style campaign to make sure everyone is going to come. You'll know it's gotten out of hand when you see our ad during the superbowl! (yes, of course I'm kidding)

It's great to be on break, but there's this nagging feeling that there's something I'm supposed to be doing...



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