Tim and Tamara's Weblog

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

All Jazzed Up...

We finally started painting the house last weekend--it's been looking pretty bad for a while, especially the parts we kind of rushed through last time around. This time, rather than trying to do the whole thing all at once, we've decided to just tackle it bit by bit through the summer with the idea that we'll do a better job if we take more time. To that end, it's nice to have finally gotten started, but it's pretty depressing that we only did about 1/10th of the whole house. Granted it was the worst tenth, but still...

While scrapping all day Sunday, Tamara earned herself an impressive sunburn on her shoulder.

I got burned on my calves a little, but no where near as bad as Tamara got.

Here's a shot of the new paint job, you're not getting a before on this one, it's too embarrassing.



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11/30/2013 12:31:00 PM  

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