Auspicious Anniversary
It's been pointed out that it has now been a full year since we've posted anything to this blog. Some people have questioned whether it would go on, some have questioned whether it should.
Well, I'm not here to answer those questions. I'm not convinced they can be answered. It's not as if nothing has happened this year that was 'blog worthy':
-I passed my prelim exam and presented for the first time at the March meeting,
-Tamara graduated from Vet school and got her first 'big kid' job,
-I've continued to play tennis despite foot and shin problems,
-We celebrated our second anniversary,
-Tamara successfully paid off her student loans--before even accruing any interest,
-Katrina started as an undergrad here at u of i,
-The car had it's transmission rebuilt (before the drive to Alabama),
-Tamara discovered that she is in fact a 'Rock Band' signing sensation,
-Family and friends have gotten married (uh...not to each other, obviously),
-My parent's finally got their big tv, and I finally got my new computer,
And yet, I'm not here to tell you about any of those, or any of our other, adventures from the past year. I'm just going to post a couple pictures of the cats enjoying one of their Christmas gifts.

Because it's not like the internet has enough pictures of cats...
Well, I'm not here to answer those questions. I'm not convinced they can be answered. It's not as if nothing has happened this year that was 'blog worthy':
-I passed my prelim exam and presented for the first time at the March meeting,
-Tamara graduated from Vet school and got her first 'big kid' job,
-I've continued to play tennis despite foot and shin problems,
-We celebrated our second anniversary,
-Tamara successfully paid off her student loans--before even accruing any interest,
-Katrina started as an undergrad here at u of i,
-The car had it's transmission rebuilt (before the drive to Alabama),
-Tamara discovered that she is in fact a 'Rock Band' signing sensation,
-Family and friends have gotten married (uh...not to each other, obviously),
-My parent's finally got their big tv, and I finally got my new computer,
And yet, I'm not here to tell you about any of those, or any of our other, adventures from the past year. I'm just going to post a couple pictures of the cats enjoying one of their Christmas gifts.

Hi. Just wanted to say "Hello" to another set of Tim & Tamara's in the world. :)
And you win the google award since your blog comes up first when you search Tim & Tamara! Ha ha!
So hello, and our names rock and stuff.
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