Tim and Tamara's Weblog

If you're reading this, you must be REALLY bored.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Things I've been putting off...

1) Finally started my IRA last week so that I could still count it as last year's contribution. I didn't quite max it out because I keep hearing that we're in a recession, but so far I've made $210--this seems like a great scam. The plan is for Tamara and I to max out our contributions for 2008 spread out over the next year.

2) Finally got a haircut.

3) Finally cleaned the gutters.

4) Finally got an eye exam and ordered some new glasses. I'll post more about them when I get them I guess, they needed to be sent out and will take up to two weeks. That solidly beats my old record for the longest time needed for glasses, not that I've ever gotten a pair in about an hour.

5) Finally updated this blog with something.



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