The Secret to my Brother's Success
The Penny Dreadful Players are putting on Dan's second full length play this weekend:
I don't know much about it, other than that it centers around the lives of workers in a small town factory and that the critics* are already hailing it as both a "triumph of the human spirit" and a "tour de force".
*So far the only critic I've heard from is our mom.
Success Has A Thousand Fathers
A student written drama by Dan McArdle
March 3-4 at 8 pm in Greg Hall (810 S. Wright St, Urbana, IL)
Special matinee performance on Saturday March 3 at 3 pm.
$4 at the door
The Saturday matinee performance will feature a FREE
post-performance discussion with the cast & crew
(including the playwright/director), answering any questions
the audience may have from; the issues addressed in the play,
to the production process itself.
I don't know much about it, other than that it centers around the lives of workers in a small town factory and that the critics* are already hailing it as both a "triumph of the human spirit" and a "tour de force".
*So far the only critic I've heard from is our mom.