Tim and Tamara's Weblog

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Sunday, June 19, 2005

Trip in a canoe and china too

Friday night Tamara and I finally unpacked all of our new wedding china both to make sure that none of it was broken and so that we could take a picure of it to include with some of our thank yous. (yes, we are still working on them, our goal is to get them out by Wednesday.) If we ever find who decided that each and every individual piece of china needed a bar code sticker attached with super glue, there's going to be trouble. Then we watched a terrible sci-fi/action movie called 'Paycheck', which had plot holes so large that the death star would easily fit though them. I especially loved the part where they cooled their future-seeing machine with liquid hydrogen! I mean come on, don't any of the 'scientists' in this movie remember the Hindenburg? But at least that made it very convinient for the hero to blow it up at the end.

Saturday we took a ten mile canoe trip down the Middle Fork River in Danville, a couple of pictures are up on my website, here. It was fun, but realistically it could have been about two miles shorter, as we were both about ready to stop by that point. We're thinking that we should invite a bunch of people to go with us next time.

Today I finally mowed the lawn again while Tamara has been running around finishing work on the website she built for Dr. Wallig's course. And later we're going out to see Batman Begins with Ann. I've really been looking forward to this movie, Batman's always been my favorite superhero, and Ebert gave it a pretty good review too.



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