Home and Garden
We finally got a new dishwasher! His name is 'Miguel' and he's going to come by once every other day... Ok, maybe not.
The dishwasher that came with the house wouldn't drain at the end of a cycle so it was pretty much worthless. The new model we got is a Frigidaire from Lowes that's very nice. In fact, it's actually much nicer than the one we originally bought. The one we first picked out was the lowest end model but the one they delivered to us didn't work and it was apparently the last one they had in stock. Lowes finally offered us a substantial upgrade at a 10% discount.

We also went out yesterday to finally set up the trellis that my mom gave us. We're using it to cover up a cosmetic blemish on the front of the house. I forget what the name of the plant is that we're using to climb the trellis but I'll try to get it for when I post an after picture of the trellis fully covered.

The dishwasher that came with the house wouldn't drain at the end of a cycle so it was pretty much worthless. The new model we got is a Frigidaire from Lowes that's very nice. In fact, it's actually much nicer than the one we originally bought. The one we first picked out was the lowest end model but the one they delivered to us didn't work and it was apparently the last one they had in stock. Lowes finally offered us a substantial upgrade at a 10% discount.

We also went out yesterday to finally set up the trellis that my mom gave us. We're using it to cover up a cosmetic blemish on the front of the house. I forget what the name of the plant is that we're using to climb the trellis but I'll try to get it for when I post an after picture of the trellis fully covered.

Hmm...can we bring a couple bowls over and stick them in your dishwasher? We have decided we have to have a new dishwasher (one that..well, gets the dishes clean) and I've noticed my bowls are hard to pack in dishwashers. :)
So if yours works, we'd like to see if my bowls go clank or not!
(The trellis looks really nice also. I remember that "blemish", and I remember it being much larger. I guess it just seemed larger when painting around it.)
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