My brother recently decided that he no longer needed his desktop pc and he traded it to me for a laser printer. And I've been working to turn it into a file server/myth tv box running Fedora Core 4. It's at least partially up and running now, but was far more trouble than I'd bargained for. Finding a video card that would actually display to the TV
Basically, so far I'm able to watch downloaded video content (like my 80 GB of Mystery Science Theater episodes from the Digital Archive Project) on the TV and play mp3s on the stereo. It's also currently acting as a backup file server for our laptops and even a web server. I doubt I'll really use it for anything as a webserver since I can just use the university's space and bandwidth, but running my own webserver would let me use php and such (like with this program that parses and displays my calendar files).
I still have to figure out how to get the tv card and remote control working. But even though the remote would be nice, we don't really need PVR functunality, in fact, the downloaded MSTs are actually clearer than our tv reception.
Basically, so far I'm able to watch downloaded video content (like my 80 GB of Mystery Science Theater episodes from the Digital Archive Project) on the TV and play mp3s on the stereo. It's also currently acting as a backup file server for our laptops and even a web server. I doubt I'll really use it for anything as a webserver since I can just use the university's space and bandwidth, but running my own webserver would let me use php and such (like with this program that parses and displays my calendar files).
I still have to figure out how to get the tv card and remote control working. But even though the remote would be nice, we don't really need PVR functunality, in fact, the downloaded MSTs are actually clearer than our tv reception.
It wasn't hard, just extremely frustrating. It was only a matter of finding a card that would work. The GeForce 2 I had is no longer supported by nvidia's driver and the legacy drivers from their site refused to build. And my old ATI card just refused to output to the tv even though the drivers seemed to be working fine.
I finally just gave up and bought a GeForce 4 off of one of my lab mates. That card worked without a problem.
Yeah, I had thought that too, but the supported list for the current driver is here. And if you try to compile that driver it tells you that it won't work (however, you can install binaries without that helpful message and have your system crash constantly, that was fun).
It looks like the last driver release that supported the GeForce 2 Ti was 6629 from almost a year ago.
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