Tim and Tamara's Weblog

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Sunday, September 04, 2005


I finished Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic last night. It's a very good game, and I'd recommend it highly. It took me quite awhile to get the hang of it, and I still don't totally understand the weapons system, but it had a good story, interesting characters and an expansive world. The major plot twist was well handled too. I did guess it might happen long before it did, but it wasn't blatantly obvious what was coming, which was perfect. I don't normally play role playing games, but I'm glad I gave this one a chance.

And it seemed like there were more than enough side quests that I missed to make the game worth replaying later. Besides, I still need to go through it following the dark side instead of the light. I haven't decided whether or not to get the sequel yet, I'll at least wait until the price drops a bit more. Anyway, next up for me is Prince of Persia: Warrior Within.

I tried to watch some of the US Open today, but we don't really get CBS well enough. I could see the players and the court, but I had no idea where the ball was. Too bad no one I know has an HDTV.

And finally, Tamara managed to just beat me at Scrabble tonight. Of course, she was also burning a hundred copies of the veterinary pathology course website she wrote last year and researching how to write web applications at the same time.



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