Tim and Tamara's Weblog

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Sunday, April 23, 2006

Playing Possum

Well we finally pulled the lawnmower out for the first time this summer. You could hear mowers running all around the neighborhood all week, so we must have been near to last.

After mowing the lawn I discovered a possum curled up asleep in the shade of the north end of the house. I called Tamara out to take a look at it and her first reaction was to go ahead and poke at it with a stick. Three years of vet school, I guess the never cover this. Anyway, eventually the possum crawled around to sit on the front door step and we decided that we needed to get rid of it.

The wildlife clinic told us to throw a towel over it and use a broom to push it into a cardboard box. We had a towel, but had to substitute a mop and an empty kitty litter bucket for the other items. It went into the bucket without too much fuss, and was pretty quiet overall--even for the whole trip down to the vet school.

Lots of fun.


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