Blowin' in the Wind
Last week's storm didn't do much damage around our house, but it did manage to take out our shed.
Along with everything inside it, of course.
We had actually wanted to move the shed anyway, it had always seemed a little strange to have it sitting out by itself so far from the house. So we decided to go ahead and try to move it ourselves. We spent a few hours digging up dirt from the back of the yard (from where the shed had stood) and moving it up next to the house to try to level the ground. Then I used some two by fours to slide the shed towards the house.
After that, Tamara spent some more time digging, trying to fill in the sunken garden in the middle of our "orchard". She got pretty far along before we lost the rest of the daylight. Our backyard still has a lot of uneven ground and dead patches, but it's slowly getting better.
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