Lab Reconstruction Day 2
Notice the gigantic piles of cable on either side of the room. Each pile represents about a days work. The cable clutter in the back of each of the electronics racks was quite impressive--or ridiculous, depending on how you looked at it. Cables seemed to be bundled together almost at random, with other cables wrapped around the big bundles just to make it even more difficult to disentangle them. Several of the big power cables were far too long and double back on themselves multiple times, even causing some of the cable trays to collapse under the weight. Additionally, we've had to take out most of the ceiling panels in the Epi Center in order to pull all the cables out and disconnect everything since none of the cables in the ceiling were bundled and the caught on just about every possible obstacle.
We're hoping to move one of the actual MBE systems tomorrow, but we'll see.
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